6 Reasons To Hire A General Contractor

kitchen under construction

As a homeowner, a home renovation project is bound to happen sooner or later. Unless you have a background or experience with home improvements, it will be in your best interest to bring in someone that knows what they’re doing. But how do you choose who to hire? How do you find someone to trust? 

A professional contractor is always a great choice and you can rest assured that the project will be done with experienced hands. Professional general contractors are licensed, insured, and come with a list of references to check their reputation (you can also check Google Reviews). If those three reasons aren’t enough, here are 6 more reasons to choose a professional:

#1: Experience with Similar Projects

Have you ever fully renovated a kitchen before? Counters, tile, drywall, lighting, plumbing, etc. Chances are, you probably have never done a full remodel nor do you have the experience to try. A professional contractor has years of experience and a whole portfolio of projects to back them. Contractors have experience with the materials you want to use and the style of remodeling you chose.

contractor installing tile flooring

#2: Professional Connections

Besides the cost of labor, your home improvement project will require materials. This is where a large portion of your budget will go. A good professional contractor should have a vast connection to vendors to help lower the cost of materials. Vendor accounts typically have discounted pricing for contractors and some earn “frequent buyer” discounts for continuously using the vendor. These savings can be passed along to you and help stretch the budget. 

#3: Safety (For You & Your Home)

Safety is a top priority for professional contractors. It’s not only important for a job to be done right, but it needs to be done safely. Municipal and state codes are going to be required for a variety of home improvement projects, and a general contractor will be able to help secure the correct permits. This means you can be confident that the work is done to code. Lastly, the safety of your house is a concern for the contractor. You can’t go knocking down walls or changing pipes without knowing what to do. Serious harm can be done to your home if improper techniques are used and corners are cut. Whether it be for the safety of you, your family, or your home, trust a general contractor to get the job done right. 

general contractor woodworking on table with tools around

#4: Money Savings

A job well done is money well spent, right? Well, if a job is only partially completed or corners are cut, the job will end up costing you more money in the long run. A series of repairs, replacements, and follow-up work may be required if work is not done correctly the first time. This will mean paying twice the labor (and possibly material) to have one job done! A professional contractor can be trusted to get it done right the first time. 

#5: Home Improvement Specialty

If you work in IT, you wouldn’t want someone from accounting coming along and telling you how to do your job, right? It’s no different with a general contractor. They have the experience and skills in the industry needed to apply to your project. Hanging drywall, installing cabinets, rerouting plumbing, and framing an addition, a general contractor has done it all! He/She will know what to expect and how to pivot a project if needed. 

bathroom with marble countertops and wooden cabinetry

#6: Home Respect and Cleanliness

Nothing is worse than when a freelance worker comes into your home and makes a mess. Boot tracks, nails on the ground, sawdust everywhere, and more. This is one of the biggest complaints homeowners have when a project is over. A professional contractor will have respect for your home and clean up during and after the project.

3Rivers General Contracting

There aren’t any true reasons to not use a general contractor on your next home improvement project. You had a vision, made your calls, created a budget, and now are ready to make the dream a reality. Put your dream project in the hands of a professional.

Are you looking to start a home improvement project? Don’t know exactly what you want or how to start? 3Rivers General Contracting has decades of general contracting experience and is ready to help. Request a free estimate or give us a call to chat. We will help guide you from start to finish on your next project.


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