We live in an age of “How-To” videos and DIY Weekend Warriors. If a home project needs to be done, there is an article or video instructing you on how to do it. However, some home projects are better left to the pros.
DIY projects often save money by cutting out labor expenses, but it creates a new challenge – doing the job correctly. Home improvement professionals have years of experience and training that ensure a job will be done correctly. They will get the job done better, faster, and with peace of mind. These are just some of the projects that are better left in the hands of the professionals:
Roofing a home requires a team of professionals that have perfected the craft. It is a tough job that is highly physical, so it is not for the everyday person. Roofing projects are also time-sensitive and need to be completed promptly. You don’t want to be partially through a DIY roof project and realize you can’t complete it. Let the professionals start and finish the roofing project.
Hardwood Flooring and Carpeting
Flooring is as easy as putting down some adhesive and laying wood planks, right? Wrong. Floor installation is a learned skill that is perfected over years of practice. The cost of materials for flooring projects is high, so you don’t want to be making any mistakes. An incorrect cut of carpeting or installation of hardwood can double the cost of a project.

Drywall Finishing
Hanging drywall is not too difficult of a project. You, a buddy, a reliable drill, and some screws are all you need to get the job done. However, drywall mudding is something out of the question for the everyday homeowner. Applying drywall compound, shaping it, and sanding it down is a tough project. The appearance of a smooth, wrinkle-free finished wall is tough to accomplish and takes experience. A drywall professional does this type of work frequently and should be trusted to get the job done right.
Plumbing & Electrical Work
While a simple plumbing or electrical job may be easy, the consequences of one small mistake can be disastrous or even deadly. Years of schooling and apprenticeships go into becoming a plumber and electrician and for good reason! If you need any wiring or plumbing work done to your home, contact a professional.
Home Additions
Home additions can drastically change the look and feel of a home. These projects often alter support walls, require new framing, and change your foundation. When walls need to come down and be put back up, call on a reliable general contractor to do the job. The last thing you want is your new addition to not turn out exactly how you want it.

Exterior Painting
Painting the siding of your home may seem like an easy job until you’re twenty-five feet up on a ladder with a brush and bucket of paint in each hand. The higher you go, the more dangerous the job becomes. Call a professional and let them handle this risky job.
Tile Flooring
Similar to hardwood and carpeting, tile flooring may seem easy until you begin the project. Subflooring needs to be properly installed, the correct mortar needs to be used, and the process of laying the tile is not easy. If any of these steps are performed incorrectly, tiles will crack, break, and fail to adhere. Allow a professional to handle the project so that it looks flawless and will last for years.
3Rivers General Contracting
The ability to handle minor home projects and repairs is a great skill to have, but there is often more at stake than you should be willing to risk. The cost of certain projects and your family’s safety needs to be considered when evaluating a project. Using a licensed general contractor will ensure your project gets done faster, safer, and with less of a hassle.
If you live within the Greater Pittsburgh Area and are looking to undertake a home project, reach out to 3Rivers General Contracting. We will be able to provide you with the consultation you need to plan a project and bring it to reality. Our general contracting professionals have years of experience in a wide range of projects. Contact us today to begin your next project!